대학생들을 위한 스페인어 연수, 콜롬비아 대학 [기사]
•Round trip, air ticket in economy class from the capital of the home
country to the Colombian city where the course will take place. The
Colombian Government will be responsible for assigning the placement
•Monthly stipend of one million six hundred (1.600.000) Colombian pesos
for the beneficiary to cover basic living expenses, such as
accommodation, local transport, and the cost of meals in Colombia. The
monthly •stipend will be proportional to the number of days of the
beneficiaries’ stay in Colombia, and will be paid once per month in
arrears subject to the assistance to the Spanish lessons by the
beneficiary. Attendance will be •checked through report, which will be
submitted by the university to the Colombian authorities.
•Tuition scholarship for the Spanish course.
•International Health Insurance.
•Courtesy Colombian Visa.
•SIELE exam to obtain the Spanish as a foreign language certification.
5월 18일이 서류 제출 마감으로 나타납니다. 이 정도면 우선 지원부터 하고 나중에 따져보는 것도 나쁘지 않겠습니다.
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